Managing different seasons

Each season in life comes with its peculiarity and we as humans tend to prefer one to the other, not because one is better in the sense of the word but because one may seem to be friendly at a particular moment.  During summer, you can see people coming out in their numbers on the streets saying "it's a lovely day isn't it?" "enjoy the sunshine while it lasts" etc.  For some time you will think of how dreadful the winter might have been and now comes summer, a time of relief. But that is what life is and the same applies to matters of life and unless we learn to manage each season, we are prone to always slide into terror.  there are times of recession and times of surplus and these are like two sides to the coin of life and how well you handle the time of surplus will determine how well you will fair in the time of recession. during winter in Europe, I once observed a particular tree and some plants along my street, they were all dry and looked so dead, very dead. almost all the leaves had fallen off and few remaining on the tree and the plants had wilted like they weren't better off than those already fallen. no chirping of birds and even humans kept indoors and never came out unless it was highly necessary but then came spring and it started blossoming again. Beautiful and breath taking flowers started sprouting from every corner of the street and the streets were beauty to behold.  if you are in the season of the former, when it all seem dry, know this won't last always cos as long as a tree is deeply rooted, even when it is cut down, it can still rise again. But then learn all the way and be encouraged and courageous to hold up a little while longer as the new season approaches.  And if you are in your season of surplus which also won't be that way all the time, manage the surplus well enough to keep at a better life in the next winter. Take a cue from the story of Joseph and the king in the land of Egypt.

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